Love Conquers All
- LOVE CONQUERS ALL - A color pencil drawing on a 9 x 12 size poster board. It appeared on the cover of GALAXY, November, 1974". (See also item 191, "Moon of Skulls.") It is the first artwork of mine that appeared in a professional magazine, it illustrates the story, "Love Conquers All," by Poul Anderson.
People who become artists of one kind or another do it because there is a need in them to do it, it is in their soul, in their DNA, and those who do it well enough to earn a living with their artwork are among the luckiest people in the world.
The Great Creator made a universe when once there was nothing, and it seems to me that that creative impulse exists in the DNA of every human being. It is in you to be creative, to do something with your life
Everyone should be motivated to find a way to do what they really like to do, and if it's something that requires you to be creative, so much the better. When I was working at Simmonds Precision, a young engineer, Chad Dohtre, born of Indian parents in Bombay, India, occupied the desk next to mine. He liked to ask me philosophical questions, and one day at lunchtime he asked me, referring to my job at Simmonds, "Is this what you hoped to do with your life when you were a child, Stephen, or did you have more ambitious dreams?" I responded with, "You tell me your dreams, Chad, and I'll tell you mine". . .
And he did. "My entire family," he said, "my parents, my three sisters, my brother and I, dreamed that one day a miracle would happen, that we would all escape from the poor section of Bombay, where we lived in wretched poverty and find a better life somewhere else. But the "Class" system in India is so strong that it is rare for anyone to escape even from the neighborhood they live in". And then Chad Dohtre told me about the "miracle" that happened; he was educated in England, came to America and went to Columbia University for his Masters degree in Physics. All of which took up the lunch hour, so I promised to tell him my dream, "tomorrow".
And I did. I told him about my wanting to be an illustrator, and ended with, "so my dreams are not as dramatic as yours Chad, nevertheless, I do have a dream, and I'm working at it."
So, if you are not doing whatever it is that you would like to do, you better find a way to do it because, if you don't, you have to live the rest of your life admitting to yourself that you never even tried.

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